Tips To Effectively Cope With Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms

Failure to cope with marijuana withdrawal symptoms is the most common cause of relapse among its dependent users. Many find it hard to give up the vice because of the undesirable symptoms that comes with a few days after stopping marijuana. Furthermore, there are many others who, by genetic predisposition or perhaps lack of will power, simply cannot cope with the initial effects of giving up the vice. If you happen to be one of them, relax and don’t lose hope. You are not alone.

Free As A Bird
Let’s face it, the reason why people become dependent on marijuana is due to its seemingly beneficial psychoactive effects. Cannabis is known to elicit feelings of well-being, a means of stress-reduction, an escape. On the other hand, the commonly reported withdrawal symptoms of cannabis are hostility, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, and mood swings. By looking closely, it is obvious that these withdrawal symptoms are simply direct opposites of the psychoactive effects of marijuana. These are obvious reasons why some people find it hard to quit smoking pot. Everyone seems to find a sense of freedom by smoking weed.

“Then You Will Know The Truth, And The Truth Will Set You Free.” (John 8:32)
But the truth is, unless we have the courage to deal with our problems without resorting to smoking pot, our attempt to rehabilitate ourselves is more likely to become futile. And since marijuana Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms are nothing physical but a general manifestation of psychological stress, minimizing the symptoms of stress by dealing with the problem itself can free us from being dependent to it.

Diggin The Root
In such case, anxiety, restlessness, and mood swings come as forms of marijuana withdrawal syndrome. These feelings are usually manifestation of “fear of change.” So, being in the fight-or-flight situation, the best strategy is to directly attack anxiety by deliberately doing other activities to keep our mind busy rather than focusing on the feeling. Introspection or soul-searching in the form of psychotherapy can be a great help in understanding oneself.

Peace, Man
Hostility, irritability and mood swing usually pent-up frustrations that predispose people into smoking marijuana. They usually resurface in a person’s consciousness once he stops smoking weed, hence, labelled as withdrawal symptoms. Learn to accept the noble truth that there is no perfect life on earth. That it is normal for people to commit mistakes. That life is a constant struggle. In short, having the courage to face the world as it is. This is the only way to appreciate the real beauty and meaning of life, without ever having to smoke a joint!

Natural High
Healthy lifestyle can help alleviate marijuana withdrawal symptoms. Changing to a better diet, having regular exercise, and indulging in new hobbies and other recreational activities will not only make you more resistant to stress but also help you re-focus the mind. Participating in community services, joining social clubs and spiritual pursuits can develop a sense of self-worth and positive outlook in life which can help prevent relapse in the future.

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